21 mei 2012

My Life: Instagram Photos ❤

Well, it's almost summer, the finals are coming and the weather is getting warmer! Even when Im busy with studying I love to take pictures of everything I love :) So here is a look of my life, hope you enjoy this short post :) xo C

Agghr, addicted to my new Zara blazer! Bright neon colors are hot this summer! I was looking through my mail and cosmopolitan sent me a free travelsize of their new magazine.. Excited :)

Haha, I dont why I took a photo of my shirt but yeah.. It's btw from HM and my black jeans from Asos. Okay, my 3 addictions: choco chip, denim with studs & mac products. You gotta love them!

I orded Alot from F21! Was so excited that I immediately took a photo of the packaging, so pretty :) And from my new lace t-shirt! And last but not least: FOOD! Man, popcorn is my favourite thing in this world hihi.

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